Intro to Supplement Marketing

Intro to Supplement Marketing

Intro to Supplement Marketing

Sourcing ingredients, finding a supplier, getting the right packaging, etc. all seem simple in the face of marketing your new supplement. Marketing requires skill, creativity, time and patience. You can count on the need for trial and error.

But with a knowledge of the basics and a few ideas in hand, you can get off to a good start in no time!

The Four Ps of Marketing

The four Ps of marketing have been used by marketing companies and business schools for years! They’re a great place to start when you’re creating a marketing place for a new product or business. They will help you lay some groundwork and give you direction so that you don’t feel overwhelmed with the whole marketing process.


First things first you need to understand your product. In this case, of course, it’s a supplement. You need to know what makes your supplement special and unique. If your supplement is a poor quality, you’re going to be fighting an uphill battle. That’s why it’s so important to pick a good manufacturer that can provide a high-quality product. It also helps to custom manufacture your supplement so that you can make it unique so that it’s able to stand out.


Next thing you need to figure out is price. You should consider your competition, profit margins, etc. Competing purely on price will lead you down a road of razor thin profit margins. Not good. Keep in mind the quality and selling points of your own product as well.


This is probably what you think of when you think of marketing. Promotion is all the things you do to promote your product or brand.

Promotion includes:

  • Social media marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Search engine marketing
  • Paid advertising
  • Content marketing
  • Etc.

This is the nitty gritty of how people will find out about your supplements. Promotion is how you get the word out and create buzz.


You’ve heard the saying, “location, location, location.” The same goes for marketing. Where will you carry out your promotion strategies? Now and days the best place to market your supplements is online, whether you have an online store or not. Everyone is online and it’s super easy to target your customers, wherever they are.

4 Digital Marketing Strategies to Promote SupplementsDigital Marketing Strategies to Promote Supplements

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing allows you to take advantage of the following a social media influencer has created. The great thing is that you don’t have to spend big bucks to do influencer marketing. The key is to look for an influencer in your industry with a dedicated fan base. You don’t need to work with influencers that have hundreds of thousands of followers to be successful. You just need to find the right influencer for you, one that you can afford and start there.

Paid Ads

Paid ads include google pay-per-click ads, Facebook ads, Instagram ads, etc. The great thing about using social media ads – like Facebook ads – is that you can really target our ideal customer. You can set up campaigns that allow you to really zero in on who you want to focus on without spending money advertising to the wrong people.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is a broad category that can include a lot of different things. Most often content marketing includes blogs, eBooks, videos, etc. Basically if you’re providing your customers with valuable information, that’s content marketing. It’s a way to build a name for your brand as an authority and help to bolster your SEO as well. Content marketing also gives you material to use for other areas of marketing like social media and email.

Social Media Marketing

If you aren’t already on social media, stop reading this article and go set up social media accounts right now! Wherever your customers are is where you should be. Social media demands a lot of consistency. Posting Once or twice every now and then isn’t enough.

Content is king which means that you should be posting on social media all the time. That doesn’t mean you should sacrifice quality for quantity though. Also keep in mind that social media is SOCIAL media. You should be interacting and participating.

The Takeaway

Marketing your supplements properly is crucial for your company’s success! It’s all about knowing the basics, trying new things and finding out what works. If marketing isn’t your strong suit, either start learning more from experts or hire someone to do the work for you. Either way when you’re selling supplements, leaving marketing on the back burner is not an option.

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