Benefits of Contract Manufacturing for Custom Supplements

Contract manufacturing is a great way to outsource one of the most time consuming and expensive parts of your business while also taking advantage of many other benefits.
4 Benefits of Contract Manufacturing
1. Save Money
Setting up your own manufacturing operation can be extremely expensive! The equipment alone will take years for you to see a return on investment. Then on top of that you have to hire and train employees to use the machinery.
When you choose to use a contract manufacturer to make your custom supplements you save on having to buy the equipment and hire employees. You’ll also wind up getting a better price on your ingredients thanks to economies of scale and networking/industry relationships.
It’s also important to consider the fact that you’ll likely waste a lot of money making mistakes while you’re learning the ropes. Unless making your own supplements is somehow integral to your brand, the expense along makes contract manufacturing worth it.
2. Core Competencies
Not everyone is great at everything and that’s ok! Contract manufacturers specialize in one area or product type and they stick to it, making them very good at that one area. When it comes to supplements these core competencies are even more important.
It’s extremely important that capsules, tablets and powders are made properly so that the end user has a good experience. You don’t want capsules or tablets falling apart in the customers’ hands or mouth. You also don’t want your powders poorly mixed resulting in a bad taste or sub-par results.
At Quality Supplement Manufacturing our main specialties include tablets, capsules and powders. We stick to what we do best because we strive to make the best supplements possible. Quality is in our name after all.
3. Increased Productivity

Working with an experienced contract manufacturer gives you the benefit of all their experience. This means all their testing, retesting, trial and error and lessons learned can be yours to benefit from. They’ve also had much more time to iron out the kinks than you have.
A contract manufacturer will produce a lot more tablets, capsules, etc. more quickly than you simply thanks to their experience and capabilities. In today’s fast moving industry sitting on your heels waiting for your supplements to be ready just isn’t an option. The faster you can jump on a trend and get inventory in hand the faster you can start making money.
The volumes and speed at which a contract manufacturer can produce your supplements matters in the long run. At QSM we can produce 2 million capsules and 600k tablets a day and we’re always working on improving!
4. Industry Experts
Having a contract manufacturing partner helps you get insight into a new industry. Breaking into a new industry can be difficult, so having a partner that can open the door for you can make a big difference.
A contract manufacturer will definitely have more contacts and a larger network in the industry you’re trying to break into. Picking the right manufacturer and building a relationship can be a huge benefit for that reason. Even though you might think picking a partner is all about who will give you the best price you’d be wrong.
At QSM we have many decades of combined experience in the supplement industry. Many of us at QSM can even say that we grew up in the industry. We work with some of the top supplement brands from around the world and would love to work with you too!
The Takeaway
Setting up a manufacturing operation in house can be expensive and time consuming. When you partner with a contract manufacturer like Quality Supplement Manufacturing you’ll not only save time and money but you’ll experience other, less tangible benefits. This can include better productivity, quality and connections to the industry.
Growing your business by launching a new custom supplement can be very exciting. Let us take care of the manufacturing so that you can make your business a success!